18 November, 2020
How to help students stop procrastinating. Most if not all students have admitted to procrastinating at some point in their lives. Whether this was a one time occurrence of a bad habit, students need to learn how to avoid procrastinating in order to do well in high school and college.
Procrastinating is defined as delaying or putting off something that needs to get done. With many boring and tedious tasks in school it is easy for students to put off assignments. But when they get to college, where there is a lot less strict instruction, this habit will hurt them tremendously.
Students who procrastinate may do so for different reasons. These reasons often include not wanting to do the assignment, not knowing where to start, and waiting for the so-called ‘right moment”. Students could also believe that the last minute pressure makes them better at these assignments. In reality, Procrastination leads to more stress and anxiety, more mistakes in the final product, and even missing deadlines. But there are ways to prevent procrastination.
The first is eliminating distractions. A student’s phone can be a big distractor to them, so have them turn it off or leave it in a different room. Since most schools are online right now the computer can also offer a distraction. Have your student download assignments and print them out. Then have them put their computer away if that is possible.
Also finding a set room for studying that is different from other rooms will help the student get into the right mindset for doing assignments.
Setting a schedule is a great way to keep the student on track and focused. Have them set aside time for studying as well as time for fun activities and exercising. The student can use alarms to let them know when to change tasks so that they don’t lose track of time and keep them from multitasking.
Because different students are different people, a student should identify when they are most productive and alert. Then have them plan their schedule around those times. It is also helpful to break up large tasks into smaller components.
It is still important for a student to take care of their body and mind by eating right and exercising. This helps them stay focused and in a good mood for studying.
Many students, especially older ones, have a hard time seeking help when they need it. Encourage your student to talk to you or their teachers if anything is bothering them.
Studying and doing assignments takes hard work, so have the student set up a rewards system for when they finish a certain goal. This helps them stay motivated through the hard assignments.
Procrastination is a habit that students need to break in order to be successful in college and avoid stress. They can do this with a few simple lifestyle changes to encourage them to be more focused and motivated.
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