6 January, 2021
“Ways To Prevent Student Burnout” Stress is a normal part of life as a student, and because of this many students and parents write off the symptoms of another, more serious condition as just part of the normal stress: burnout.
Burnout is characterized by physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion as a result of prolonged stress and expectations. Many students with burnout will lose motivation to do even the most simplest of tasks, like getting out of bed. The systems of burnout are extreme exhaustion and negative thoughts about oneself. Burnout also zaps a student’s energy and reduces productivity. This leaves the sufferer feeling hopeless, cynical, or resentful.
These warning signs manifest themselves in different ways. A student may make careless mistakes that they wouldn’t normally, lash out at friends or others, and have little motivation. A student might also constantly feel exhausted, find themselves getting sick more often, or not enjoying things that they normally would if they were healthy.
The most important thing for students already suffering from burnout is to get help. It may be hard for them to recognize the symtoms, but encourage your student to talk to you about their stress and create an open environment to talk. Many students put much more pressure on themselves to do well, but encouraging a healthy lifestyle and studying techniques can help stop the burnout before it becomes serious.
There are some things that students can do to help prevent burnout before it strikes.
Have the student make a schedule and stay organized. This helps them complete assignments on time which will lower stress.
Have the student break down larger goals into smaller steps. Burnout happens when a student does not allow themselves to celebrate or achieve smaller goals before the larger ones.
Stress is reasonable, but if it is not managed properly it can lead to burnout. Have the student set reasonable goals. Putting more pressure on themselves than they can handle is a recipe for disaster. This will help a student maintain a well balanced life.
Maintaining healthy habits, such as exercising and getting enough sleep, may seem like common sense but they go a long way to prevent burnout. Exercising is one of the most effective stress relievers because they release endorphins and aid in sleep.
Social media, if not used properly, can cause a student more stress than what it is worth by constantly overstimulating and interfering with normal rhythms in the brain. Sleep is very important to preventing burnout, and turning off social media an hour before bed can help students sleep easier.
Burnout is not pleasant and can do serious damage to a student, but maintaining healthy habits and organization can go a long way to preventing it.
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